English – MindPower https://orenzarif.co.il אורן זריף - טיפול בפסיכוקינזיס Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:32:21 +0000 he-IL hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.1 https://orenzarif.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/favicon-75x75.png English – MindPower https://orenzarif.co.il 32 32 Cause of Cerebral Vascular Accident – Oren Zarif https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/cause-of-cerebral-vascular-accident/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/cause-of-cerebral-vascular-accident/#respond Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:31:50 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=7467
Cerebral palsy, or CVA, is damage to the brain that occurs from an injury, malpractice, or disease. It can often be mistaken for a stroke or heart attack because it can also cause loss of consciousness, dizziness, and slurred speech. Like a stroke, cerebral palsy is caused by a blood clot or a blood leak into the affected brain region, or by a brain infection or tumor. However, it's important to understand the difference between these two because the symptoms and treatments for stroke and CVA are very different.
Stroke is often termed a heart attack or even a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), which is a misnomer since it is not actually caused by a lack of circulation to the heart. It's more like a stroke in that it is a result of a blood clot or leak into the affected brain region; both causes cause a reduction in oxygenation, which triggers a series of events that result in permanent injury or death. CVA is generally caused by a ruptured or bleeding artery, a direct blow to the head, or as more likely, repetitive trauma to the head. While these injuries will definitely cause symptoms, the symptoms of CVA are less clear-cut because it can occur without apparent cause. Some symptoms of CVA include seizures, unconsciousness, partial paralysis, clumsiness, headache, dizziness, nausea, fever, tightness in the chest, and vomiting.
The difference between CVA and stroke is that stroke can happen to anyone, while some people only get CVA when they've had a previous stroke or heart attack. However, most strokes have some sort of identifiable causes, such as decreased blood flow to the brain, which can mimic CVA if the blood flow to the arm is compromised. Another way that CVA may mimic a stroke is if the nerve that controls the arm movement is damaged. If this happens, then patients may experience numbness, tingling, or a difficulty in motion. However, it's important to note that not all strokes require treatment and, in fact, many people actually recover completely from strokes that don't require any medical attention at all.
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What Are the Common Symptoms of a Cerebral Voluntary Artery Anegment (CVA)? – Oren Zarif https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/what-are-the-common-symptoms-of-a-cerebral-voluntary-artery-anegment-cva/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/what-are-the-common-symptoms-of-a-cerebral-voluntary-artery-anegment-cva/#respond Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:30:36 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=7464
A stroke, also called a cerebrovascular event (CVA), or a stroke, is a devastating medical event that takes the life of a person through action or inaction. No matter how minor the cause of death may be, it is devastating to families that lose a loved one due to a CVA. There are four different types of strokes: Ischemic stroke, which affect the artery in the brain; hemorrhagic stroke, which affect the walls of blood vessels near the brain; subarachnoid stroke, which affects blood vessels located deep within the skull; and ischemic neuro-spinal stroke, which are a result of a CVA that stops blood from flowing to important areas of the cerebral cortex. With any of these four types of stroke, there are four common symptoms that can be observed. These symptoms can be used to identify if someone may have suffered a stroke.
The most common symptom is difficulty swallowing. This symptom is seen in one side of the stroke patient's brain affected by the problem. In addition, one side of the body may be swollen, cold to the touch, or feel weak. It may be difficult for one side of the body to move, or for one side of the body to stand up.
Another symptom of a stroke is memory loss. Most people afflicted with a stroke do not lose all of their memory, but experience forgetfulness on one side of their brain. For example, if a person has a left sided CVA, they will tend to forget events from the past several months before the event occurred. Likewise, if a person has a right sided stroke, they will generally have forgetfulness of recent events prior to the stroke. A final symptom associated with stroke is speaking fluently, as well as being unable to understand what others are saying.
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What is a CVA? – Oren Zarif https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/what-is-a-cva/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/what-is-a-cva/#respond Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:29:17 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=7461
Are you suffering from neck pain and numbness? Do you wake up in the morning and wonder if it will be possible for you to get up the next day without pain? You could have a CVA, or stroke-related amnesia. In this article, we'll explain what a CVA is, how it's caused, and how you can treat it.
What is a CVA? A CVA is a stroke may include symptoms such as loss of consciousness, drooling, numbness, difficulty speaking, or difficulty moving your limbs. It is caused by a sudden or unexpected interruption or reduction in blood supply to an affected area of your brain. A common cause of a CVA is a bleed or a cut in the head; other causes include cerebral inflammation (such as during a stroke), meningitis (swelling of the face or brain), or a herniated (or swollen) brain bone. In rare instances, a CVA may be caused by head trauma, certain infectious diseases, or tumor growth. A treatment for a CVA depends on the exact cause and the severity of symptoms.
So, now that you understand what a CVA is, what causes them, and how they can affect you, let's talk about treatment. A good treatment plan should include the use of pain relievers to control symptoms, as well as taking vitamin C supplements to strengthen muscles and nerves, or taking aspirin to thin blood clots that are usually responsible for a CVA. While more research is needed to determine the best treatments for CVA, a treatment plan with these important ingredients can help you reduce your risk of further damage to the brain and lessen your symptoms, allowing you to get on with your life.
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Stroke Prevention – How to Prevent a CVA – Oren Zarif https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/stroke-prevention-how-to-prevent-a-cva/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/stroke-prevention-how-to-prevent-a-cva/#respond Mon, 15 Feb 2021 10:06:41 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=7450
When something happens to your blood through your arteries to your brain, a cerebral vasculitis (CVA} or stroke occurs. A CVA most frequently occurs in your brain but, also very seldom, it can also happen in your spinal cord. A stroke happens when there's a sudden change to the flow of blood in your central nervous system due to injury to a blood vessel or even something as simple as a narrowing of the arteries. Blood clots can form in these arteries and, if the artery becomes completely blocked by plaque, bleeding will occur. With a stroke, affected individuals can experience partial or full paralysis, loss of speech, seizures and sometimes death.
Stroke prevention begins with early detection through a comprehensive exam and medical history. The National Institute of Neurological Diseases (NIN), based at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, has determined that people who have CVA have an increased risk of developing stroke. These individuals should have a regular medical screening for symptoms of CVA and if symptoms are present should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. A CVA typically involves a direct blow to a major vessel in your brain or the neck. A symptom of a CVA is memory loss but other symptoms such as dizziness, lethargy, headaches, and weakness may occur.
If you've had a CVA, the symptoms of the disease usually won't show immediately. They can develop over time or be worse than they were when you first experienced them. Often, people with CVA don't even realize they have the problem until a stroke occurs and their memories and ability to perform things outside of the hospital are severely compromised. Early recognition of the signs and symptoms of a CVA can help improve the outcome of the procedure. Your doctor will be able to determine if CVA is a contributing factor in your stroke or if there are other issues that need to be addressed.
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CVA And Stroke Prevention – Oren Zarif https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/cva-and-stroke-prevention/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2021/02/15/cva-and-stroke-prevention/#respond Mon, 15 Feb 2021 10:00:52 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=7438
A stroke (a stream of consciousness disturbance) occurs when part of the central nervous system is damaged either because it is starved of blood or oxygen. The brain uses oxygen and glucose to obtain energy and perform functions such as movement, sensation, thought and language. If the supply of oxygen is reduced or cut off completely, brain cells begin to die, thus, a stroke is also called a cerebrovascular disorder, CVA, stroke or a brain attack. Since the symptoms of a stroke are exactly the same as those of a stroke, it is important that these conditions are treated right away.
The symptoms of a CVA and stroke are similar, however, there are a few major differences between the two medical emergencies. In a CVA, blood flow to the affected area is stopped or compromised and as a result, oxygen is not supplied to the brain. On the other hand, in a stroke, a direct blow to the head will temporarily cause a decrease in blood flow to the area but this normally develops after a short period of time, such as five to ten minutes.
Some of the symptoms of a CVA and stroke prevention include memory loss, seizures, headache, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing and pain in the muscles of the neck, face, arms and back. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. Early symptoms can save your life! Your doctor will perform an evaluation to discover the cause of your symptoms and recommend treatment. These steps of CVA and stroke prevention are discussed below.
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Tinnitus https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/21/tinnitus/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/21/tinnitus/#respond Wed, 21 Oct 2020 06:51:38 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=3429
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Spine Problems https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/spine-problems/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/spine-problems/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:55:58 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=3420
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Sleep Problems https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/sleep-problems/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/sleep-problems/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:52:07 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=3405
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Skin Problems https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/skin-problems/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/skin-problems/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:15:00 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=3389
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Shoulders Problems https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/shoulders-problems/ https://orenzarif.co.il/2020/10/20/shoulders-problems/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:07:54 +0000 https://orenzarif.co.il/?p=3375
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